Hello fellow cavers, friends, and family,
As you may be aware, the Cave-In Advisory Board has been closely monitoring recent events. We have been optimistic in our intention that our beloved TAG Fall Cave-In would not be affected, and have collectively and individually pondered, watched, and hoped that the events of the day would be resolved.
We feel responsible for keeping our community safe and healthy, as our caving impacts many facets beyond our community, including local businesses, the residents of Dade and Walker County (Georgia), and all the people we meet on the journey to visit the unique underground environment we call "TAG." Most importantly we have a responsibility to you, our members, attendees, and to your families. Thus, the decision has been made with heart-felt heaviness to cancel the TAG Fall Cave-In for 2020. However, we are excited to see the world and our local communities become stable and back to "normal" again in the coming year, as our hope has not been cancelled.
We love you all and look forward to an amazing TAG Fall Cave-In that is being planned for 2021. In the meantime, invite a friend, gather in small groups, be safe, have fun, and Let’s Go Caving!
Warmest regards,
Lisa Andrews
2020 TAG Fall Cave-In Chair