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DCG Names the 2018 Tag Fall Cave In Chair

March 28, 2018 7:19 PM | Anonymous

Greetings Folks! 

Today, Glenn Fell, the 2018 DCG Grotto Chair named Tamara Lesage as this year's Tag Fall Cave In Chair. Mr Fell stated "Tamara has been around the Cave In for years and has been involved in many many ways. Many people don't even realize the amount of work she has done for the cave in." Addtionally, Mr. Fell stated "I am excited to have her as this years event Chair and I know she is going to put on one gosh-darn-tootin heck of a cave in." 

More Details about this year's Cave In will come in the near future.

The TAG Fall Cave In is an Annual Event hosted by the Dogwood City Grotto held in October atop lookout mountain.  The Annual attendance usually surpasses 1000 attendees from all over the world.  Proceeds from the Cave In are given back to the Caving Community in the form of Grants. In the 40 Years of the Cave In History, the DCG has given back close to $200,000 in grants back to the caving community. 

For more information about the TAG Fall Cave In, visit

For more information about grants, or to submit a grant requests, email the grant coordinator at

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