Grotto Elections!
It is once again time for grotto officer elections! The election will be held at the NSS Headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama, on January 7th @ 7:00PM EST, where we will have a room booked inside to hold the meeting. The majority of this meeting will be the nomination and voting process. The grotto Chair will also deliver the annual grotto report. Camping will be available, and caving trips will be going out the next day.
About Elections
You must be a current, full member of DCG in order to vote, or run for office.
That means:
- Your membership with DCG must be current (paid up)
- Your membership with the NSS must also be current.
Running For Office
All offices will be filled by the election process.
A full member may run for office.
Any member (associate or full) may nominate a full member for office.
Voting will be done by ballot. There are two kinds of ballots that can be used:
- Paper ballot
- Electronic ballot
In the case of hybrid meetings, both types may be used.
About the Meeting
Members and guests are all welcome to attend this meeting. Please reach out to a member of the Board of Directors with any questions you may have.
This will be offered as a hybrid meeting. You may join the camp-out, or participate from your couch. Zoom info will be sent upon registration.
About the Campout
There is camping availabe on the grounds of the NSS HQ. There are also campgrounds available around the Huntsville area, as well hotels for those that require additional accommodations.
Come have fun with us!!