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  • Regular Campout Meeting and Auction @ TR

Regular Campout Meeting and Auction @ TR

  • April 11, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • April 13, 2025
  • 12:00 PM
  • Tumbling Rock Cave Preserve



Join us for the April campout meeting and annual auction of 2025!

Friday and Saturday camping will be available, and the grotto meeting is Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. EST. The auction will take place following meeting. 

Saturday Night Presentation

Joel Rowe speaking briefly on the rescue in Tumbling Rock

About our Campout location

TR has over six miles of passage and offers beginning and experienced cavers alike a true wild cave experience. The large borehole passage is accompanied by a stream throughout most of its length along with multiple intersecting passages and several rooms filled with breakdown (giant piles of large rocks. Some of these passages become sandy crawls which can be fun as well as challenging.

Throughout the cave, there are several formations such as flowstone, stalagmites and stalactites, and huge column formations. The cave also is home to Topless Dome, a nearly 400-foot-high waterfall which is accessed via the Kings Shower.

There is plenty of room for camping. Additionally, the campsite has a porta potty on site, wifi, and the best part....a short walk to the cave. We are also in the heart of Jackson County which is home to many other caves. If you need help with cave information, please reach out to our trip coordinator or the board of the grotto.

Register for directions!

Hope to see you there!

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